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The invisible visible

Gorica Jeremić AT
Exhibition 07.11. - 03.12.2022

Exquisite abstract compositions by a self-taught artist who courageously and successfully manages her life despite multiple sclerosis


In Nov. 2022, the contemporary BURN-IN Gallery will transport visitors to the powerful worlds of nature imagery by artist Gorica Jeremić in the exhibition The Invisible Visible.

Nature is an integral part of her ego in this process, serving as the ultimate inspiration for the complex, compositionally harmonious, and painterly-irritating abstractions.

The Invisible Visible also references multiple sclerosis, a disease in hiding that Jeremić herself contracted several years ago. Despite the incurability, Jeremić impresses as a courageous, expressive painter and a true role model! Perfect for BURN-IN's formats of sense-making and GreenART.

The artist will donate part of the proceeds to the cooperating Multiple Sclerosis Society Vienna !

Logo MS Gesellschaft

Vernissage Poster

Vernissage & Program

BURN-IN and Gorica Jeremić invite to the exhibition opening on 11.11.2022, 18-20 h.

  • Welcome and address to the exhibition Sonja Dolzer | BURN-IN founder
  • Speech by President Prof. Dr. Barbara Kornek | President Multiple Sclerosis Society Vienna
  • Film contributions about the artist Gorica Jeremić and the MS Society Vienna
  • Musical highlight: Christiana Uikiza
  • Sociable get-together


BURN-IN Gallery at Gerngross 2nd floor | 1070 Vienna, Mariahilfer Straße 42-48


Return on Culture through sense-making

The conception and realization of meaningful exhibitions is continuously gaining importance at BURN-IN. GreenART also illuminates many social, ecological and economonical aspects, always considering sustainability for people and the environment.

But what exactly does Sinnstiftung mean?

Albert Einstein once said: whoever feels his life to be meaningless is not only unhappy, but also hardly capable of living. According to Viktor Frankl, the founder of logotherapy and existential analysis, the quest for meaning is fixed in us humans. So is the freedom of the human will and meaningful action, which leaves traces for the environment and posterity. A life without meaning has been proven to make people unhappy.

Frankl's book Nevertheless Say Yes to Life, which deals with his experiences in the concentration camp and gave hope to many people, shows how one's own mindset influences life and has a meaningful effect in a positive sense.

The current solo exhibition The Invisible Visible of the self-taught artist Gorica Jeremić is a valuable artistic statement of an enormously strong artistic personality who, despite the incurable disease multiple sclerosis, found new meaning in life and created fulminant things in just a few years.

Jeremić draws parallels in her abstraction to the disease multiple sclerosis, which is often invisible to the outside world, and allows the superficially invisible to become visible and tangible to the viewer.
The close cooperation with the Multiple Sclerosis Society Vienna results in much meaningful for those affected by the disease and for art collectors. In addition to the important exhibition, the artist will donate part of the proceeds from the sale. BURN-IN creates with great pleasure the perfect conditions in the atypical art space Gerngross.

