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Exhibition 07. - 28.02.2018

Fire Transfer 2018 | Station II

Stupid run, smart wait, wise go to the garden.

Rabindranath Thakur, philosopher u. Nobel laureate

BURN-IN invites you to a contemplative, varied journey of conscious contemplation and reflection in February in the newly played "gallery garden"


You can expect 21 igniting works by 9 artists from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Mexico and the USA.


Currently, international happiness researchers such as Ha Vinh Tho (Center for Gross National Happiness | Buthan) show the enormous importance of the personal, but also the "economic" happiness. The creation of these personal moments of happiness and the creation of a positive momentum for the individual and society represent enormous enrichments and are important components of a fulfilled life.

Gallery Garden

BURN-OUT and BORE-OUT, which alone in Austria cause an economic damage of 7 billion € annually (University of Linz | Prof. Friedrich Schneider) become a sideshow.

With the currentexhibition Momentum, we are not only addressing art collectors, but also cross-thinking companies looking for new impulses. In addition, the BURN-IN STRATEGY WORKSHOPS, CREATIVE COACHINGS and TEAMBUILDINGS support this positive Momemtum at the intersection of corporate culture, brand, creativity and innovation.



Allera Barbi Italien
Paintings, 30 x 20 cm

€ 3.000
Blue Cornflower
Blue Cornflower

DG Smalling Vereinigte Staaten
Paintings, 152 x 112 cm

€ 5.900

Isabelle Habegger Schweiz
Sculpture, 36 x 15 cm

€ 1.900

Ulrike Int-Veen Deutschland
Paintings, 140 x 150 cm

€ 8.000

Allera Barbi Italien
Paintings, 30 x 20 cm

€ 3.000
Blue Cornflower
Blue Cornflower

DG Smalling Vereinigte Staaten
Paintings, 152 x 112 cm

€ 5.900
Ginger Gourd Dancer
Ginger Gourd Dancer

DG Smalling Vereinigte Staaten
Paintings, 152 x 122 cm

€ 5.900

Isabelle Habegger Schweiz
Sculpture, 128 x 29 cm

€ 9.800

Isabelle Habegger Schweiz
Sculpture, 36 x 15 cm

€ 1.900

Ulrike Int-Veen Deutschland
Paintings, 140 x 150 cm

€ 8.000
Pomegranate I
Pomegranate I

Ulrike Int-Veen Deutschland
Paintings, 135 x 150 cm

€ 7.900
Estasi e Abisso-Extasy and Abyss
Estasi e Abisso-Extasy and Abyss

Renate Moran Österreich
Paintings, 100 x 80 cm

€ 2.600
A psychedelic dream | Un sueño psicodélico
A psychedelic dream | Un sueño psicodélico

Marifé Nuñez Spanien
Paintings, 125 x 150 cm

€ 6.500
Air runners in Hawaii
Air runners in Hawaii

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 70 x 100 cm

€ 5.400
female gate
female gate

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 80 x 80 cm

€ 4.950
impaired communication
impaired communication

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 80 x 60 cm

€ 3.700
missed encounters I
missed encounters I

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 60 x 80 cm

€ 3.700
Professional runners
Professional runners

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 50 x 70 cm

€ 2.700
Relaxing on the beach
Relaxing on the beach

Eva Pisa Österreich
Paintings, 70 x 50 cm

€ 2.700
II 31 - Young. Beautiful. Successful- Adjusted
II 31 - Young. Beautiful. Successful- Adjusted

Ingeborg Rauss Österreich
Paintings, 110 x 80 cm

€ 2.780
II 32 - Young. Beautiful. Successful- Adjusted
II 32 - Young. Beautiful. Successful- Adjusted

Ingeborg Rauss Österreich
Paintings, 110 x 80 cm

€ 2.780
III 49 - Yesterday every was still OK
III 49 - Yesterday every was still OK

Ingeborg Rauss Österreich
Paintings, 110 x 80 cm

€ 2.780
Beautiful Line
Beautiful Line

Josefina Temín Mexiko
Sculpture, 23 x 110 cm

€ 434 € 620 -30%

Josefina Temín Mexiko
Sculpture, 22 x 30 cm

€ 1.240
Vertical and Horizontal
Vertical and Horizontal

Josefina Temín Mexiko
Sculpture, 16 x 31 cm

€ 1.390


Beautiful Line

Beautiful Line

Josefina Temín

The sensitive objects by Mexican artist Josefina Temín thrive on the contrast between fragile paper forms and solid wood. Like insects stretching out their antennae, the paper shapes populate the wooden surfaces. Other forms on palm leaves are reminiscent of fragile statues of the gods of ancient Egypt, of the sun barque in which the sun god Re navigates the "heavenly" Nile during the day. At first glance, one suspects a playful, light approach, but on closer inspection, the artist's deep feeling for nature and its geometric forms prevails. Lightness and depth make up the quality of Josefina Temín's objects.

III 49 - Yesterday every was still OK

III 49 - Yesterday every was still OK

Ingeborg Rauss

Ingeborg Rauss was born in Linz and completed her business training at the Linz Commercial School and the European Academy of Secretaries in Vienna. 1994-2000 she studied painting with Prof. Jacobo Borges at the Salzburg International Summer Academy. 1997-2000 she completed the university course in nude drawing/nude painting with Prof. Dietmar Brehm at the University of Art in Linz. 2001-2006 she studied art history and philosophy at the Catholic Theological University of Linz, 2007-2011 painting at the Academy of Painting Berlin as a master student of Ute Wöllmann. She is a guest lecturer at the Academy of Painting in Berlin.

weibliches Tor

female gate

Eva Pisa

was born in Vienna and lives in Lower Austria. She studied painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Prof. Elsner and completed further training in cultural management. Pisa was awarded the Academy's Silver Filler Medal and the Republic of Austria's Gold Medal of Merit.

Eva Pisa has shown her satirical drawings and figurative paintings in over 80 solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions as well as artist symposia.
A psychedelic dream | Un sueño psicodélico

A psychedelic dream | Un sueño psicodélico

Marifé Nuñez

Born in Cordoba, she studied graphic design in Malaga and at the School of Commited Arts in London as well as photography at the Academy Aula 7 in Malaga. She also studied marketing, which she completed with a master's degree. Her artistic work is characterized by transparency in collage technique and painted backgrounds, which she combines with photography.

Estasi e Abisso-Extase und Abgrund

Estasi e Abisso-Extasy and Abyss

Renate Moran

Was born in Murau/Styria and has lived in Linz since 1967. As a freelance painter and graphic artist, she also teaches these techniques, curates exhibitions and writes about art. She studied lithography with Prof. Alfred Billy at the Kunsthochschule Linz. Renate Moran received the artist's award for precious metal in 1996 and the Aplausia women's appreciation award in the field of art and culture in 2014. She was a member of the Upper Austrian Cultural Advisory Board from 2006 to 2014 and has been Chairwoman of bsa-art Upper Austria since 2008. Art symposia, art projects and exhibitions as well as the establishment and management of the lithography workshop in the Steyrermühl Papermaking and Printing Museum are important components of her artistic organizational work.
Since 1982 she has exhibited continuously at home and abroad.

Granatapfel I

Pomegranate I

Ulrike Int-Veen

Pigments, binders, copper inks and shellac are the basis for Ulrike Int-Veen's transparent surfaces. In her light-colored works with dark accents, airy graphic leaf shapes float across the picture surface, in other pictures somewhat more compact "figures". The tendency of the movements tends to lead to an "up", the lyrical play of lines is brought to rest again by summarizing line gestures.

A constant interplay between light and dark, a tension between lightness and heaviness, permeability and density creates vivid images that capture a varied and contrasting picture of life.



Isabelle Habegger

The artistic language of Isabelle Habegger, her symbolic lines and forms are not limited to her paintings, but continue in the forms of her sculptures, which you can see in this exhibition. By grinding and bending and by juxtaposing two forms on a plinth, Isabelle Habegger creates three-dimensional works from straight sheet steel.

Blue Cornflower

Blue Cornflower

DG Smalling

DG Smalling was born in Oklahoma and lived with his family in Switzerland, Cameroon and South Africa from the age of 8. Apart from his Choctaw origins, his youth was shaped by various international cultural experiences and artistic training. He himself also describes the influence of European culture as decisive for his artistic development.

After graduating from high school in South Africa, he completed his studies in political science at the University of Oklahoma.

In his office in the Oklahoma Justice Building, he works at the annual Sovereignty Symposium and represents the interests of his Choctaw tribe.



Allera Barbi

Studied architecture in Turin and industrial design in Milan. Untouched and changed nature, her way into the mountains, before - after, symbolize the combinations of photo and painting.