In times of financial crises, art has always been one of the most stable investments.
In March 2021, BURN-IN and German photographer Richard Fischer take you on a highly meaningful expedition into the incredibly eccentric realm of floral sculptures. With the photo art exhibition SILENT SCREAM, which this time will attract a significant number of passers-by in the atrium of the traditional department store Gerngross on Vienna's Mariahilfer Strasse, they will present contemporary art of absolute museum quality.
Fischer started his current exhibition round in the fall of 2020 with exhibitions at the Flower Art Museum in Aalsmeer - Amsterdam and Gallery Sous Terre in Lithoijen (Netherlands). BURN-IN conceived SILENT SCREAM and brings the crowd-pleasing, multimedia exhibition exclusively and for the first time to Vienna. In the second quarter follows the prolongation under the leadership of Pashmin Art Consortia to the Hong Art Museum in Chongqing and the Pashmin Art Gallery in China.
With SILENT SCREAM, Richard Fischer and BURN-IN set out on an interdisciplinary research journey aimed at promoting an interaction between contemporary art and environmental awareness. This cultural action documents the essential challenges of the Anthropocene. For climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, and species extinction require profound responses and sustainable behaviors that are strikingly fertilized by Fischer's contemporary, conscious interaction.
Experience and enjoy firsthand this exquisite collection of contemporary photographic art and be enchanted by Fischer's Dying Divas, Floral Finesse, and Plants under Pressure. Surely this quiet, yet already very definite outcry of floral art will capture you as well.
Floral sculptures as an impetus for global, sustainable action.
As a pioneer in terms of GreenART, BURN-IN has been showing exhibitions on this burning issue since 2018, earning a lot of attention.
With the internationally esteemed artist, the Ambassador of Flowers Richard Fischer, they found a charismatic photographer with almost congruent DNA. For decades, Fischer has focused on sustainability and raising awareness, raising his strong artistic voice for fragile floral beauties, some of which are threatened with extinction. Using digital transformation, an experimentation with depth of field and light painting, he impressively succeeds in unleashing the power of simplicity and expressively staging it as a universal truth.
The focus of his work is by no means the classically beautiful. Rather, Fischer is attracted to all facets and phases of floral grace and elegance. Budding, perfect form and dying bear witness to the perpetual cycle of all life. His cycles Gentle Genesis, Floral Finesse and Dying Divas touch, emotionalize and sensitize worldwide.
With Valued Voices, Fischer focuses on opinion leaders and role models in international society. Empathically, he engages the personalities in tense dialogues with the floral sculptures and punctuates them with profound statements. The prelude was formed by works with Ulrich Tukur, Gunther von Hagens, Linda Sherafatmand, Prof. Dr. Firtz B. Simon, Dr. Angelina Whalley and Klaus Staeck. Together they are working on a further development of this excellence project.
BURN-IN and Richard Fischer, however, are by no means aiming exclusively at this large-scale change in public awareness. Rather, they are jointly focusing on CSR & art branding projects for organizations. Market-tested strategic know-how paired with refined artistic intervention creates enormous sustainable assets for companies and corporations - unique position guaranteed.
Contribution Deutsche Welle: Art merges with environmental protection.