Dreams save us. Dreams uplift us and transform us. And by my soul, I swear ... Until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice are a reality we all share ... I will never stop fighting. Always.
BURN-IN plays from October 2022 to January 2023 for the fourth time the traditional department store Gerngross in Vienna. This time they guest on the 2nd floor and show three fixed stars of the gallery, the protagonists Ellen Semen (A), Tiziana Trezzi (I) and Aurora CID (E). Three strong, highly authentic artists, three superwomen who relentlessly hold up a mirror to society. Trezzi focuses on women and their position in society, CID links the beauty and relevance of nature and geometry, and Semen analyzes global conflicts, emerging as a sensitive, seismographic storyteller.
Cyberwoman, Ellen Semen
Opening by gallery owner Sonja Dolzer. BURN-IN is pleased to welcome artist Ellen Semen.
There is a superhero in each of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.