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Nino Perrone

Nino Perrone

Nino Perrone

Italien | 31 Kunstwerke im online-Depot

It is not the task of art to copy nature, but to express it.

Honoré de Balzac, French writer

Characteristics and vita

Nino Perrone is strongly influenced by the city of Bari. He was born in the Italian port city in 1942, studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari and still lives there today. After graduating, he received numerous prizes (Giorgio Mondadori competition, Arte in Regione), took part in important individual and group exhibitions (Expo Arte in Bari, Foundation Luigi Faccioli in Rome, Spoleto Arte Venice, La grande Exposition Universelle in Paris, International Biennale of Palermo, Biennale in Bari and Metropolitana BIBART, London Exhibition in Miami, Michaelangelo Hall in New York) and collaborated with renowned art galleries (Rizzardi in Milan, Il Parametro in Rome, Salomon August & Algranti in Milan).

Numerous publications on his extensive oeuvre have been written by renowned authors, including Pietro De Giosa, Luigi Paolo Finizio, Guido Falco, Andrea Domenico Baricco, Franco Santamento, Raffaele Nigro, Maurizio Vitello, Salvo Nugnes, Elena Gallini, Vittorio Sgarbi and Philippe Daverio. In 2017, his works were published in Atlante dell'Arte contemporanea.

The current highlights of his career to date are undoubtedly the presentation of his works at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, the Padiglione Guatemala during the 16th Biennale di Venezia and the Ruart ART KREMLIN in Moscow at the state Vernadsky Museum.


Perrone's paintings are characterized by the fascinating spectacle of nature, which inspires the quiet contemplative artist. Nature as a source of inspiration in which myriad color combinations swirl around the light. Every detail, every nuance, every vibration fascinates Perrone, awakening his imagination and curiosity. He loses himself in the idea of the whole, from the visible reality to the invisible one of the primordial cosmos, where it all began. Peronne began with playful and ironic figuration and continued to develop in the direction of pointillism. For him, the space of the canvas is the space of nature, which he captures and makes tangible for us. Through his staccato-like short brushstrokes, he unfolds a vibrant color dynamic, a rhythmic flow of colors, often embedded in monochrome backgrounds. Intense counterpoints in strong red, blue and yellow enliven the scenery. Nature is a model for Perrone in terms of beauty, color and light. An emotional, sensual type of contemporary painting that remains in the memory and inspires collectors worldwide. With his infinity of brushstrokes, Nino Perrone transports us to the vast, hilly areas and seascapes around Bari. With a swarm of colors, he stages his space of nature on canvas, transmitting vibrations and impulses, dedicating himself to the mysteries of eternal life. In his works Harmony, Energy, Metamorphosis and Fragments, he lets us feel the warm summer air, inhale aphrodisiac scents and sink into seas of flowers. We immerse ourselves in the sensuality of nature, experience its beauty and transience, the wonderful change of seasons and begin to understand nature as a universe. We recognize the complexity of the system that needs to be preserved. Sustainability at the highest level, preserving for future generations. The surreal as a vision.


Since 2018, the themes of GreenART, sustainability and giving meaning to life have been at the heart of BURN-IN's exhibition activities. With his participation in the exhibitions Irrgarten (12/2016) and Vom surrealistischen Zweiklang Geschichte Natur (5/2019), Nino Perrone made two significant contributions to this and impressed BURN-IN with his excellent oeuvre and his international exhibition activities.

Perrone is a multi-award-winning, charismatic artist with a top international standing who significantly enriches the BURN-IN portfolio.

online Depot

Sensazioni (2011)
Paintings, 50 x 60 cm
Frequencies (2019)
Paintings, 40 x 40 cm
€ 3.500
Energia (2018)
Paintings, 40 x 40 cm
€ 3.500
Perturbazione emotiva (2012)
Paintings, 60 x 80 cm
€ 4.800

BURN-IN Ausstellungen

Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen

The pictoral art of Nino Perrone

The surprising skill in pictorial art of Nino Perrone consists in knowing how to combine the traditional classical style with the most spontaneous and imaginative Surrealism. Spectacular themes and virtuosic variations follow a dizzying path of adherence to reality, in the triumph of illusion.
The impression, which arises from Perrone is, that with his craft he can succeed in representing anything, doing everything through painting. With rich representative wisdom he tries his hand at the brush, mastering it to the point of imagining it while he realizes his visions with his eyes closed, almost like a dowser. In the paintings he creates measured flights based on the reliability of the perceptual data, which the brushstrokes lead to precise and detailed finishing, in the conscious sentimental adhesion to the reproduced image.

The intent of re-evoking, as in a mirror, an exhaustive projection of personal experiences lived, in the desire to follow the emotional paths of existential and fantastic adventures emerges. His fairy tale of lines and colors conforms to the deception of the eye, in which it is interesting and pleasant to stop to appreciate the narrative evolution originated by the extraordinary power of the story and the imaginary entertainment, evoked in the canvases.

Not history, not the emulating quotation of ancient masters, but rather the irrepressible and exhilarating dreamlike fiction, with which it plays, dreams, invents special effects where each element is in the right place, in a relentless and exact rhythm. His artistic poetics purifies himself from every foreign body, amazing and calling the applause.

The complex and articulated research of Perrone makes him a courageous fighter in the field of contemporary art, to which we deservedly attribute the honor of arms.

Vittorio Sgarbi
Italian art critic, politician, cultural commentator and television personality

Exhibitions | Selection

1984 - 2010

  • Rizzardi Gallery, Milan |Italy
  • Il Parametro Gallery, Rome | Italy
  • Salomon August & Algranti Gallery, Milan | Italy
  • Expo Arte, Bari |Italy
  • Apulia Bastes, Bitritto |Italy
  • Trani, Valentano and the Svevo Castle, Bari |Italy
  • Arte in Regione, Bari |Italy


  • Casetta della Musica, Rome | Italy
  • Luigi Faccioli Foundation, Rome | Italy
  • Spoleto Arte with Vittorio Sgrabi | Leti Sannst Palace |Festival Dei due modi in Spoleto | Italy
  • La grande Exposition Universelle - Eiffel Tower | Gustave Eiffel Salon, Paris | France
  • Spoleto meets Venice | Palazzo Falter | Venice | Italy
  • The International Biennale of Palermo |Loggiato S. Bartolomeo| Italy
  • Ganove Museum|Possagno | Italy
  • BURN-IN Gallery, Vienna | Austria
  • London Exhibition |Reviews by Vittorio Sgarbi and Philip Levine (Mayor Miami Beach) |Victor Hotel, Miami Beach| USA
  • International Biennale Bari & BIBART area metropolitana |Diocesan Auditorium Vallisa, Bari | Italy
  • Michaelangelo Hall, New York | USA
  • Chamber of Deputies, Rome | Italy
  • Ara Paris hall, Rome | Italy
  • Albrizzi Capello, Rome | Italy
  • 16th Biennale die Venezia |Padiglione Europa | Gianni Daniel & Nevia Capello, Venice | Italy
  • Art Project Ruart |ART Kremlin | Vernadsky Museum | Review of Gregory Ginzburg | Moscow | Russia


  • "Aspetti dell'arte" at the Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso | Italy
  • 59th International Art Exhibition - Grenada Pavilion - Venice Biennale | Italy
  • 60th edition of the Triennale of Fine Arts. Edition of the Triennale of Fine Arts in Rome | Italy
  • Solo exhibition "Aniconismo iconico" at the Vittoria Gallery by Tiziana Todia in Via Margutta in Rome | Italy
  • Solo exhibition at the Officine Daverio in Via Bertarelli in Milan | Italy
    canceled due to the death of art critic Prof. Philippe Daverio in July
    . Philippe Daverio in July

Prizes & Awards

  • Giorgio Mondadori Competition | jury members O. Del Buone, A. Sala, Giorgio Soavi, M. Spagnol | Italy
  • Il Parametro Competition | jury members: C. Castellaneta, R. Crovi, R. De Grada, M. De Micheli, B. Funari, Rome | Italy
  • Salmon international Award, Milan | Italy


  • I Giselle dell'ARTE |Swing edition Astrattismo
  • Storia ed evoluzione dalle origini ad oggi |Rome 2014
  • Storia dell'astrattismo in Italia | Rome 2015
  • Percorsi d'Arte | Enzo Le Pera |Verlagshaus Rubettino| 2015
  • Atlante dell'Arte contemporanea | De Agostini edition | 2017
  • Pietro De Giosa
  • Luigi Paolo Finizio
  • Guido Falco
  • Andrea Domenico Baricco
  • Franco Santamento
  • Raffaele Nigro
  • Maurizio Vitello
  • Salvo Nugnes
  • Elena Gallini
  • Vittorio Sgarbi
  • Philippe Daverio