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BURN-IN Christmas collection 2023


A symphony of art

This Christmas, the BURN-IN Gallery is presenting a collection that not only delights the eyes, but also penetrates deep into the soul. With their works, the artists Susanne Guzei-Taschner, Ellen Semen, Linda Steinthórsdóttir, Ladislav Černý and Osso have created a space in which art is not only viewed, but experienced.

Art as an investment: an enrichment for space and spirit

Buying art is an investment that goes beyond the material. It is an investment in your own well-being and the design of your personal or professional environment. The works in this collection offer more than just visual stimuli; they are sources of inspiration and contemplation. They invite you to transcend the everyday and immerse yourself in worlds of color, form and profound messages.

An oasis of beauty and calm

In a world that is often characterized by hustle and superficiality, the BURN-IN Christmas collection offers a contemplative retreat, a space of beauty and tranquility. Each artwork in this collection is a window into a world that both appeals to the senses and encourages reflection. The works as living elements that transform any space and fill it with life.

A feast for the senses

This Christmas collection is also an invitation to treat yourself to the luxury of being surrounded by real art. It is an opportunity to break away from the daily routine and immerse yourself in a world where every detail counts and every line tells a story.

An opportunity not to be missed

In this spirit, BURN-IN Gallery invites all art lovers and collectors to experience this unique collection and be enchanted by the power and beauty of contemporary art. Treat yourself to the luxury of being surrounded by art. Visit the BURN-IN gallery and discover the beauty and fascination of these stand-alone, exquisite works of art.

This holiday season, embark on a journey of discovery. A journey that will fill your rooms and your life with beauty and meaning. Treat yourself to something special, treat yourself to art!


Ladislav Černý
Linda Steinthórsdóttir
Ellen Semen
Susanne Guzei-Taschner