Sabine Nessling comes from the dazzling world of fashion and worked as a designer before she entered her father's painting business and succeeded there with illusion painting and completely independent artistic designs of rooms.
From 2008 followed a clear turn in the direction of their own artistic work. Nessling acquired in the meantime a comprehensive range of themes, techniques and specially conceived image content.
The BETON-ART, her extremely lively works, which are strongly reminiscent of Urban Contemporary Art, radiate in bold colours. In times of deceleration and sustainability, her art meets a fertile breeding ground in a world undergoing great change.
Nessling focuses on the playful interaction between stability and transience (symbolized by the materials concrete and plastic) and creates a wonderful recyclate for art collectors and society.
In November 2020, a solo exhibition at BURN-IN will follow. Top recommendation!

Sabine Nessling
Österreich | Kunstwerke: 16