Ladislav Černý (Slovakia) presents a lot of emotional in November 2019. The BURN-IN collection Weltschmerz brings together the twelve small-format works Emotion I-XII (acrylic on cardboard) and the medium-format works Memory, Shadow, Embrace IV, Bath II and Infinity (acrylic on cotton) into a highly moving ensemble.
Weltschmerz is a Germanism, including in Danish, English, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, French, Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese, coined by Jean Paul to describe a sense of sadness and painfully felt melancholy, often accompanied by pessimism, resignation, or escapism from reality. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm name the Weltschmerz as deep sadness about the inadequacy of the world and Thomas Mann as Life melancholy.
Černýs new works convince once again by their expressive directness and high emotionality.
Ladislav Černý
Slowakei | Kunstwerke: 48