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Richard Fischer

Richard Fischer

Richard Fischer

Deutschland | 100 Kunstwerke im online-Depot

Man even makes the deserts bloom. The only desert
that still offers him resistance is in his head.
Ephraim Kishon

Characteristics and vita

Richard Fischer was born in Manila in the Philippines in 1951. He graduated from the International School and De La Salle College and has lived in Europe since 1963, where he studied economics and art in Mannheim and photography at the Academy in Munich. Fischer has been involved in numerous international film productions (group picture with a lady by Heinrich Böll) and has impressed with his photographic work in studios in Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Vienna. Today, the photographer lives and works in Germany and France and has run his own studio for visual concepts and photography since 1978.

Photographic work for Sunday Times Magazine (UK), Stern Magazin (Germany), L' illustré/ (Switzerland), Geo (Italy), Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (Germany), Edition Braus, Edition Panorama, teNeues Verlag (Germany), Thames & Hudson Verlag (UK), Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Daily Mail (UK), DIOR (France), FAZ Magazin (Germany), Bare Essentials Journal (Australia), TERRA MATER (Austria), Ideal Hors Paris (France), ELLE (Netherlands), DIE ZEIT (Germany), GRAZIA (Italy), Schöner Wohnen (Germany), QUO/ (Spain), ATRIUM (Switzerland), Marie Claire (Italy) and PDN Photo (USA).

Fischer believes in the power of art to change, to transform, to inspire new ways of thinking and to enrich people through new forms of experience. That is why he has dedicated his life to raising awareness of this issue and creating impressive, magnificent photographic masterpieces. Nature needs a voice and at best the voice of a renowned artist, as flowers have no voice. It is up to us to take care of their claim to life for humanity and for the continued existence of humans and animals. Richard Fischer, who is at the forefront of this commitment, has focused his artistic work on this since 1999. Statements about his immense oeuvre show respect and recognition of his work. For example, he was interpreted as the "creator of a kind of artistic Noah's Ark" by Deutsche Welle. The Federal Environment Agency sees him as a "preserver of creation" and the Flower Art Museum admiringly as an "ambassador of flowers".

With his enormous commitment, the artist inspires new thinking about the diverse tasks and role of photography in contemporary art in the 21st century.

Flower art has not yet received the recognition it deserves in the world of mainstream art, especially as flowers are not traditionally associated with social, cultural or ecological issues. However, exhibitions that highlight this theme will result in changes in consciousness.

Fischer believes in the power of art to change, to transform, to inspire new ways of thinking and to enrich people through new forms of experience. That is why he has dedicated his life to raising awareness of this issue and creating impressive, magnificent photographic masterpieces. Nature needs a voice and at best the voice of a renowned artist, as flowers have no voice. It is up to us to take care of their claim to life for humanity and for the continued existence of humans and animals. Richard Fischer, who is at the forefront of this commitment, has focused his artistic work on this since 1999. Statements about his immense oeuvre show respect and recognition of his work. For example, he was interpreted as the "creator of a kind of artistic Noah's Ark" by Deutsche Welle. The Federal Environment Agency sees him as a "preserver of creation" and the Flower Art Museum admiringly as an "ambassador of flowers".

With his enormous commitment, the artist inspires new thinking about the diverse tasks and role of photography in contemporary art in the 21st century.

Flower art has not yet received the recognition it deserves in the world of mainstream art, especially as flowers are not traditionally associated with social, cultural or ecological issues. However, exhibitions that highlight this theme will result in changes in awareness.


Sustainable art branding projects with the Ambassador of Flowers

As a pioneer in terms of GreenART, BURN-IN has been showing exhibitions on this really hot topic since 2018 and has attracted a lot of attention and recognition with the formats presented.

The contemporary photo artist Richard Fischer is another highly interesting upgrade to the portfolio. Since 9/2020, the Vienna gallery has represented the internationally esteemed crowd-puller, who has been dedicated to the topics of sustainability and CSR for over 20 years and founded the non-profit Verein Florale Skulpturen & bedrohte Blumen e.V. (FS & ES Society | founded in 2010) 10 years ago. The main goal is the promotion and worldwide dissemination of photographic masterpieces, the organization of exhibitions and events to raise awareness of endangered flora.

As a member of the IUCN CEC (International Union for Conservation of Nature | Commission for Education and Communication), the artist and photographer has been honored with numerous art awards for his work. The CEC is one of the six commissions of the IUCN, a global network of active, professional experts focusing on sustainability and change. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.

Fischer is celebrating great success with his book A TRIBUTE TO FLOWERS.

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BURN-IN Exhibition



International organizations report that up to 50 percent of all flower species worldwide could be threatened with extinction. As a result, numerous flower species disappear from our planet every year without anyone registering it, the planet is losing beauties that were previously completely unknown to humans.

For years, Richard Fischer has been staging these delicate, endangered beauties in his photo studio, each one in its ephemeral uniqueness. In collaboration with leading international botanical gardens, he has finally restored these precious creatures to the dignity that these fragile beauties deserve.

of Flowers

With the magical interweaving of contemporary art with environmental awareness, Fischer ignites an inspiring, highly emotional dialog while creating lasting awareness of this high-caliber symbiosis. His cultural action is a very specific form of expression that reflects on the challenges of the Anthropocene, an epoch that began in the middle of the twentieth century, when mankind intervened significantly in nature and thus changed the climate and ecosystems for the worse. The current challenges are manifold: climate change, species extinction, acidification of the oceans and increasing environmental pollution. For some years now, an ecologically oriented culture has been steadily developing, which is successfully fed by artistic interventions. Fischer's works are based on this philosophy and, in the series Gentle Genesis, Floral Finesse and Dying Divas, show the various beauties of floral sculptures in the different phases of development (budding, blossoming, decay).

Plants under pressure thematizes species that are dying out. Here, Fischer becomes the Preserver of Genesis (Dr. Thomas Holzmann, former Vice President of the German Federal Environment Agency).

With the excellence concept A VOICE FOR FLOWERS Fischer uses the charisma of well-known personalities from art, business and politics and stages expressive human and floral portraits in dialog.

Thus, contemporary botanical art unfolds enormous power and relevance, far removed from classical botanical painting, which initially served exclusively to document plant diversity.

Fischer's exhibition concepts are successful worldwide, because they stand up for those creatures that have no voice and no hearing. His grand vision: a museum for floral sculptures.

It is time to redefine culture. Culture is not just a question of contemporary classification of fashionable trends. Above all, culture reflects social needs, for example, and more than ever, ecological needs, without which responsible living is no longer conceivable. It is therefore time to firmly anchor the ideological aspect of nature in culture. A change of course towards a common cultural and environmental policy orientation is therefore long overdue. With this in mind, we are creating a balance between ecology, culture and healthy global political action.
Richard Fischer

Art and nature, the two greatest manifestations in the environment, are so closely linked that it is impossible to think of one without the other, and so we can never compress them into a single formula. It is the result of the creative act that distinguishes works of art from those of nature, namely the modeling of an original form, newly produced, rather than the implied or repeated form.

Art has its immediate origin in the last strong stimulus that existed at the time and of which it is the most visible expression.

Karl Nierendorf, gallery owner in New York and Berlin



  • 2020+2021 Gallery Sous Terre, Netherlands
  • 2020+ 2021 Art Fair Appeltern, Netherlands
  • 2021 SILENT SCREAM, BURN-IN, Vienna, Austria
  • 2021 Hong Art Museum, Chongqing, China


  • 2010 United Nations, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2011 Red House Originals, Harrogate, Great Britain
  • 2012 Galerie Winterberg, Munich, Germany
  • 2013 Open Air im Überseequartier, Hamburg, Germany
  • 2014 Kunstverein Mannheim, BRAUS Collections, Germany
  • 2015 Kunstmesse ART, Galerie Hoffmann, Germany
  • 2015 Galerie Jean Michel, Berlin, Germany
  • 2015 Deutsche Stiftungstage, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 2015 Palais Hirsch, Schwetzinger Festspiele, Germany
  • 2016 Kunstmesse ART, Galerie Hoffmann, Germany
  • 2018 Museum Kurpfalz, BRAUS Collections, Germany
  • 2018 Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, Germany
  • 2018 Moulin, Nègrepelisse, France
  • 2019 Fotografar, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2019 Flower Art Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands


  • 2001 Deutsches Architektur Museum, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 2001 Art Directors Club, New York, USA
  • 2001 Art Directors Club, Berlin, Germany
  • 2002 Airport Council International, Tokyo, Japan
  • 2003 Art Directors Club, Berlin, Germany
  • 2004 Print Media Lounge, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2005 Kunsthalle, Mannheim, Germany
  • 2005 Print Media Lounge, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2006 Galerie Edition Braus, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2006 Photokina World Fair, Cologne, Germany
  • 2007 Galerie Winterberg, Munich, Germany
  • 2007 Open House, Bishops Residence Rauenberg, Germany
  • 2007 Casino Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 2007 Museum of Art, Ningbo, China
  • 2007 German-Chinese Society, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 2008 City Library, Ahlen, Germany
  • 2009 Museum of Art, Ningbo, China
  • 2009 Sixteen Art Space, Hangzhou, China
  • 2009 Gallery p 13, Heidelberg, Germany


  • 1990 Goethe Institute, Brussels, Belgium
  • 1990 Photography Forum, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 1991 Gallery K 61, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1991 Photokina World Fair, Cologne, Germany
  • 1994 L-Bank, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1997 Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1998 Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1999 Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany


  • 1982 Galerie Compagnie, Hamburg, Germany
  • 1983 National Film Theatre, London, Great Britain
  • 1984 National Film Theatre, London, Great Britain
  • 1988 Heidelberg University Library, Germany
  • 1989 Recontres Intern. Photographie, Arles, France
  • 1989 Sparkasse Oldenburg, Germany
  • 1989 Salon den Photo, Paris, France


Photographer Richard Fischer won the Kodak Panther Award, the prestigious International Kodak Photo Calendar Award for the best concept and best photograph out of more than 1,000 entries worldwide. His flower photography has also been recognized at the Merit, Red Dot Design, the if Design Awards and the German Japan Exchange Awards. Most recently, he received the International Gregor Silver Award and the International Award of Excellence.

  • 1983 Merit Award, Art Directors Club, Germany
  • 1995 Epica Award, Paris/Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 1996 Kodak International Panther Awards, Rochester, USA
  • 1996 Epica Award, Paris/Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1996 Merit Award, International Calendar Show, Germany
  • 1997 Merit Award, Art Directors Club, New York, USA
  • 2001 Merit Award, International Calendar Show, Germany
  • 2001 Merit Award, International Calendar Show, Germany
  • 2005 Red Dot Award
  • 2005 IF Design Award
  • 2005 German Designers Club Award
  • 2006 International Kodak Photo Award
  • 2007 Merit Award, International Calendar Show, Germany
  • 2007 Merit Award, German - Japan Exchange Exhibition
  • 2016 Gregor International Silver Award, Germany
  • 2017 Award of Excellence, Gregor International Awards, Germany


Richard Fischer was nominated for the third cycle of the Prix Pictet, which was launched in 2010 at Les Rencontres d' Arles.

Francis Hodgson, photography consultant and critic for the London Financial Times and former head of the photography department at Sotheby's, London, nominated Richard Fischer with his floral artworks. A recognized expert in photography for many years, he is committed to both cultural and commercial aspects of photography at a high level.

The Prix Pictet, launched in 2008 by the Geneva-based private bank Picket & Cie, has quickly established itself as the world's leading award for photography and sustainability. The prize has the unique mission of harnessing the power of photography to communicate important messages to a global audience. The aim is to present art of the highest caliber and use its power to help address the pressing social and environmental challenges of the new millennium. The prize is currently aimed at a global audience of over 400 million people.