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Petra Traxler-Pilgram

Petra Traxler-Pilgram

Petra Traxler-Pilgram

Österreich | 36 Kunstwerke im online-Depot

Man is not enlightened by imagining light,
but by becoming aware of darkness.
C.G. Jung, Swiss psychiatrist

Characteristics and CV

Petra Traxler-Pilgram, born in Villach in 1966, impressively combines intellectual depth with artistic expressiveness in her art, strongly influenced by the theories of C.G. Jung and Franz Čižek. After studying philosophy, psychology and history in Vienna and undergoing intensive training in painting and graphic design, she established herself as an independent artist in 2017 and opened her studio. Her striking black and white paintings explore the dark and complex facets of the human psyche and society.

C.G. Jung's concept of the collective unconscious, which states that archetypal images and experiences are passed down through generations, forms the foundation of Traxler-Pilgram's artistic work. Her works are imbued with deep mythological symbolism and focus on shadow worlds, landscapes of the soul and existential paths. The quote from Jung, "Man is not enlightened by imagining light, but by becoming aware of darkness", summarizes the essence of her art: the examination of the light and darkness of human existence, embedded in the microcosm of everyday life and the whisper of nature.

Traxler-Pilgram interweaves different dimensions in her works and illuminates the tensions between the conscious and the unconscious, social norms and individual freedom. Her "moving figures", inspired by Franz Čižek and Viennese Kinetism, function not only as visual representations, but also as living metaphors for inner conflicts and social role models. These figures often "gallop" and thus offer a rich space for interpretation that includes both humorous and profound reflections. Through her intense exploration of archetypes and her powerful visual language, Traxler-Pilgram challenges her viewers to explore and question the hidden truths of their own existence.

In the BURN-IN exhibition "UNVERBLÜMT", Traxler-Pilgram shows this profound reflection in a haunting way. Her works, some of which deal with stereotypes and prejudices, challenge the viewer to confront unpleasant truths and take a blunt look at reality. Through her visually stunning and intellectually stimulating art, she succeeds in making the invisible visible and encouraging an engaged audience to engage in self-reflection.


BURN-IN benefits greatly from the work of Petra Traxler-Pilgram, as her art exhibits a profound interdisciplinarity that takes the gallery into new artistic dimensions. As an artist, philosopher, historian and educator, Traxler-Pilgram combines a broad spectrum of perspectives that are expressed in her works. Her artistic practice is strongly influenced by C.G. Jung and his concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes. This enables her to address complex, profound themes in visually accessible yet intellectually challenging artworks. For BURN-IN, this complexity is an invaluable asset that enriches both the intellectual and aesthetic depth of the gallery's portfolio.

The gallery's decision to represent Traxler-Pilgram is therefore not only a strategic one, but also an artistic one. Her ability to reflect both the individual and society through her works creates a strong connection between art and viewer. Furthermore, through the thoughtful integration of image titles and textual interventions, her works expand the possibilities of artistic expression and encourage deep discourse. Her art invites reflection, questioning and ultimately action - qualities that are in line with the philosophy and commitment of BURN-IN. As such, Traxler-Pilgram will become a central component of the gallery, not only complementing the portfolio, but significantly shaping it and making it shine in the years to come.

online Depot

Reverse conclusion
Paintings, 60 x 70 cm
€ 750
We manage the balancing act
Paintings, 60 x 70 cm
€ 750
Stand up for yourself
Paintings, 100 x 120 cm
€ 2.300
Reverse conclusion
Paintings, 60 x 70 cm
€ 750

BURN-IN Ausstellungen

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She exposes, plays with contrasts, allusions and interpretations. She creates types and stereotypes, which she captures in typical postures on the picture surface to form networks of relationships. She creates symbols and uncovers role-playing games and rituals.
Sigrid Leitner, journalist

Exhibitions | Trade Fairs Selection

Solo exhibitions:

  • 2017 | DREI(ST), solo exhibition, Stilgalerie, Vienna
  • 2018 | SO OR SO?!, solo exhibition, Galerie BURN-IN, Vienna
  • 2019 | ANSPIELUNGEN, solo exhibition, Galerie Markushof, Villach
  • 2021 | 20CUT21, solo exhibition, Kreativ Raum Galerie, Vienna
  • 2022 | BILDLICH-GESPROCHEN, solo exhibition, Galerie Eisenwaren-Kamp, Vienna
  • 2022 | GEDANKENSPIELEREI, solo exhibition, NV Center, St. Pölten
  • 2024 | UNVERBLÜMT BURN-IN Gallery, Vienna

Group exhibitions:

  • 2018 | KUNSTRAD, group exhibition, Galerie-le-art, Langenzersdorf
  • 2019 | EIGENE SICHT DER DINGE, group exhibition, Kunstsalon Schönbrunn
  • 2020 | ARTE PREZIOSA and ARTE COLLEZIONISMO, group exhibitions, Galerie Merlino, Florence
  • 2020 | FAKE, group exhibition, Kunstsalon Schönbrunn, Vienna
  • 2020 | STOP.THINK.MOVE, group exhibition, BURN-IN Gallery, Vienna
  • 2021 | GO BEYOND.ALLES AUSSER GEWÖHNLICH, group exhibition, Kreativ Raum Galerie, Vienna
  • 2021 | ARTBAHO 21, Art Nou Milleni Gallery, Barcelona
  • 2022 | VON MARGARETEN IN DIE WEITE WELT, group exhibition, Bezirksamt 1050, Vienna
  • 2022 | ON TOUR...LONDON, group exhibition, Crypt Gallery, London
  • 2022 | MACHT DER WORTE, group exhibition, Vienna Calligraphy Center
  • 2022 | MALEN OHNE GEFALLEN ZU WOLLEN-SO ENTSTEHT KUNST, group exhibition, Lemu-Museum, Langenzersdorf
  • 2022 | FRIEDEN, group exhibition, Galerie am Park, Vienna
  • 2022 | SEHNSUCHT, group exhibition, Galerie am Park, Vienna
  • 2022 | GEFÜHLE, group exhibition, Bezirksamt 1050, Vienna
  • 2023 | NO FEAR, group exhibition, Amtshaus Margareten, Vienna
  • 2023 | UPS AND DOWNS, group exhibition, Amtshaus Margareten, Vienna
  • 2023 | FOLLOW US, group exhibition, Galerie am Park, Vienna
  • 2023 | COMIC X POP, group exhibition, Bergerhaus, Gumpoldskirchen
  • 2023 | "NUNC HABEMUS SPINACIAM", group exhibition, Galerie am Park, Vienna
  • 2023 | KINO IM KOPF, group exhibition, Kreativraum Galerie, Vienna
  • 2023 | SCHWARZ - WEISS - MALEREI, duo exhibition with Ulla Hasen, Vi(e)noschank, Vienna
  • 2023 | KÖPFERL IM SAND, group exhibition, Otto-Maurer-Zentrum, Vienna

Art in public space

  • What moves me, Alois Drasche Park, Vienna


  • 2019 | ART INNSBRUCK, Galerie-le-art
  • 2019 | ART SALZBURG, BURN-IN-Galerie
  • 2020 | ART Innsbruck, Galerie-le-art