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Susanne Guzei-Taschner

Susanne Guzei-Taschner

Susanne Guzei-Taschner

Österreich | 37 Kunstwerke im online-Depot

I never paint dreams or nightmares.
I paint my own reality.

Frida Kahlo

Characteristics and CV

Susanne Guzei-Taschner was born in Vienna in 1953 and studied graphic art from 1974 - 78 at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna under Prof. Oswald Oberhuber (graduated in 1978). This was followed in 1979 by a scholarship abroad at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (Poland), the Vienna Art Fund Award and a state scholarship for fine arts. Member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus since 1980. Member of the Professional Association of Austrian Visual Artists since 2017. 1982-1995 worked for ORF Vienna (graphics department). The step into self-employment followed in 1995. 2002 foundation and management of the Mandala Center in Lower Austria.

Since 1978, numerous exhibitions in Austria, Italy, Great Britain and Poland.

Transforming Nature

The multi-faceted, interdisciplinary Lower Austrian is a painter and textile object artist. Her complex picture collages, in which she models various fabrics, canvases, jute, nets, cords, driftwood and stones, are inspiring. The sewn pictorial elements lend the works a remarkable plasticity and independence. The experimental plays an important role in Guzei-Taschner's work. Unexpected things often develop during the design process that deviate from the original concept. This freedom and flexibility is based within the artistic flow, which the artist knows how to combine perfectly with craftsmanship. In this way, Guzei-Taschner opens up her own personal female space of experience. All of the assemblages impress with their precise technique and masterful topographical accuracy, which is further enhanced by Guzei-Taschner's painting with accentuating color spaces. Bold compositions in blue, green and brown are juxtaposed with almost monochrome white. Nature leaves its mark in almost all of her works.

Inspired by her worldwide travels and by the art of indigenous peoples and their shamanic ritual objects, her works express a universal language that allows the viewer to come into contact with deeper levels of being. Guzei-Taschner creates imaginary landscapes or ritual spaces in which the magical and the dream meet.

In this way, the artist interprets and reflects her living space and preserves it for posterity with a great deal of empathy and magic.

Guzei-Taschner lives and works in Gänserndorf (Lower Austria).


Susanne Guzei-Taschner applied to BURN-IN in the fall of 2021. This was followed by two exciting meetings in the artist's studio, which soon revealed the potential for a longer-term collaboration. The themes of nature, cosmopolitanism, diversity, rituals, the creation of meaning and her permanent interdisciplinarity formed the most important points of contact and the foundation for a sustainable collaboration.

With the independent works of the textile object artist and painter, who works abstractly and figuratively, BURN-IN presents an experienced artist with vision who appeals to private art collectors from different generations and also represents a sustainable investment worth considering for corporate collections. According to experts, textile art is currently experiencing an upward trend.

In addition to the works listed in the online depot, BURN-IN, in collaboration with the artist, also offers tailor-made commissioned art that meets the very specific requirements of organizations and makes a positive contribution to the further development of corporate culture. In doing so, her imaginary landscapes and ritualistic spaces fertilize the themes of sustainability, social responsibility and the creation of meaning in a very special way and transport them authentically internally (employees) and externally (public).

With Susanne Guzei-Taschner, the contemporary gallery is representing an established textile artist and painter for the first time, whose focus corresponds perfectly with BURN-IN's focus on GreenART, sustainability and the creation of meaning.

online Depot

BURN-IN Exhibition


One of the most important tasks for me as an artist is to create a space in which the exchange of information or energy can take place.

In a way, this is a sacred space that is independent of religions and timeless. In this space, we are not only connected to each other, but also to nature and other levels of being. In this space, we can communicate and understand without time delay.

Nature gives us abundance, richness, diversity, connectedness and order.

These themes also occupy me in my artistic work. How can we connect to this inexhaustible energy, harness it without destroying it?

In my works, I take up themes from nature and transform them.

My artistic works are mostly object paintings on jute and canvas in which cords, sewn set pieces, sometimes also driftwood and stones play an important role. As I live in the countryside near Vienna, I get a lot of inspiration from nature: the various structures of the fields, driftwood from the Danube floodplains, ice formations, weathering on rocks, flower shapes from the garden, etc.

Some of these elements from nature are playfully combined with sewn, knotted and painted parts - the result is a collage of materials that offers a special, almost tangible perception. Acrylic paint sets accents and connects the elements.

Through my travels to Nepal, Bhutan, Africa and Peru, I also bring inspiration from the visual language of these countries. Shamanic cult objects, the design of ritual sites, textile art from ancient cultures and various archaic finds provide inspiration.

When designing my works, I am interested in new orders - ritual spaces - that are created and communicate with the viewer in a "sign language".

Susanne Guzei-Taschner

Exhibitions | Selection

1978 to 1984

  • Galerie Nächst St. Stephan - Vienna, Austria
  • Modern Art Gallery - Vienna, Austria
  • Künstlerhaus - Vienna, Austria
  • Galerie im WUK - Vienna, Austria
  • Kulturhaus Krakow, Poland
  • Photographer's Gallery - London, Great Britain


  • AKH Vienna | Joint Exhibition of Section 4 of the Künstlerhaus | Object Paintings - Vienna, Austria
  • Siebensterngalerie | Solo Exhibition Sign Language | Object Paintings and Alluvial Wood Sculptures - Vienna, Austria
  • Kunststation Angern | Die KA im Herbstkleid | textile art | Angern, Austria
  • Open studio during studio tour Wiener Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
  • National Park Center Orth an der Donau | Kunstzeichen - Natursprache | acrylic paintings and alluvial wood paintings with Michael Guzei (photography), Orth an der Donau, Austria
  • Rathaus Gänserndorf | solo exhibition | Formenspiel und Farbenklang | Gänserndorf, Austria
  • Wifi Wien Währing | group exhibition Frauenpower in der Kunst | Vienna, Austria
  • dakig Gänserndorf | object paintings as part of the Sommerszene together with Michael Guzei (photography), Gänserndorf, Austria
  • Ateliertage Künstlerhaus Wien | 600 Mio - Freunde und Komplizen | group exhibition | Vienna, Austria
  • Ateliertage im Mandala together with Michael Guzei, Gänserndorf, Austria


  • ARTOPIA | Compositions in acrylic | Vienna, Austria
  • Winery Taubenschuss | Objects made of wood and acrylic | Group exhibition, Poysdorf, Austria
  • Erzherzog Karl Haus | Transforming Nature together with Michael Guzei (photography), Stockerau, Austria
  • art view vienna | together with Michael Guzei (photography and video installations), Blumengärten Hirschstetten and ARTOPIA, Austria
  • BVÖ Schloss Schönbrunn | Eigene Sicht der Dinge | group exhibition, Vienna, Austria
  • Belle Arti Vienna in Verona, Italy
  • Felsenmuseum Bernstein | Erde | group exhibition, Bernstein, Austria

from 2021

  • Schloss Gloggnitz | Zukunftssplitter | group exhibition, Gloggnitz, Austria
  • Kulturschloss Reichenau | Spannung des Augenblicks | Group exhibition, Reichenau, Austria
  • Virtuelle Ausstellung via Videoversand | Lieblingsstücke
  • Gauermann Museum | BLICKpunktTEXTIL | Group exhibition, Miesenbach, Austria (4.2.-27.3.2022)
  • Vienna Calligraphy Center | Macht der Worte, Vienna, Austria (3/2022)
  • Künstlerhaus Wien | Members' Exhibition 1503 (Floodwood Sculptures), Vienna, Austria (6-9/2022)
  • Galerie Kubus | Textile Exhibition BVÖ Textilien - Spiegel der Menschen im Laufe der Zeit, Schloss Primmersdorf, Austria (7-9/2022)
  • Kunsthaus Laa | Künstlerhausgruppe quit nature, Laa an der Thaya, Austria (7-10/2022)