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Ladislav Černý

Ladislav Černý

Ladislav Černý

Slowakei | 159 Kunstwerke im online-Depot

Mir fällt nichts ein. Mir fällt was auf.

 Alfred Hrdlicka, österreichischer Bildhauer, Zeichner, Maler, Grafiker, Schachspieler und Schriftsteller.

Characteristics and Vita

Ladislav Černý was born in 1965 in Bratislava and studied at the School of applied arts (photography and commercial graphics), the Academy of Arts in Bratislava and at the Hochschule der bildenden Künste in Dresden (Diploma Restoration | Prof. Dr. Ingo Sandner | 1991).

Parallel to this, Černý placed great emphasis on continuously developing also in the field of painting and sculpture and studied with Prof. Hort Jokusch, Prof. Friderun Bonzin and Prof. Günter Jakob.

Since 1999, numerous solo and group exhibitions in Slovakia, Austria, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Černý is a member of three artist associations in his home country: the Association of Slovak artists, the Slovak Art Association and the Society of Free Artists.

In addition to prestigious restoration activities for renowned institutions and artists, including Hermann Nitsch, Černý stands for monumentality and expressive directness, which is paired with sensitivity and vulnerability .

Snapshots of everyday life

With pride, and as part of the Summer-Exhibitions in July 2019, BURN-IN presents for the first time an interesting cross-section of his works to the Viennese public. Among them imposing bronze, steel and wood sculptures, as well as the very current Tongues series, with the large-scale, striking, often provocative works. In the lively, expressive works, the tongue appears as the main actor, it embodies the tool for speaking, for contact, for self-expression and is considered a symbol of the male sexual organ. Fertilizing, creative not exclusively aimed at the spiritual. The massiveness of these large-scale works and the dramatic colors signal world-weariness and determination. In this way, Černý challenges the viewer, draws him in, takes him over, and never lets him go. In the sculptural work, Černý also deals with human existence, playing with resistance and malleability, warmth and coldness of the materials used. One always senses the artist's liveliness and sensitivity behind all the monumentality and expressive directness. He shares his fate with the viewer and lets him directly participate in moments of happiness and drama. Černý tries to avoid any influence or paradigm. He tells overwhelming stories of "normal" people in the normal, hectic everyday life, with a meditative component for personal reflection.

With this, Černý sends new, strong impulses, which together with his versatile, international education, form the elementary foundation for his current artistic standing.

The artist lives and works in Ivanka pri Dunaji near Bratislava and in Vienna.




BURN-IN überzeugte Černý's starke Persönlichkeit, seine Professionalität und last but not least sein unverwechselbares, umfassendes Œuvre im Bereich der Malerei und Bildhauerei, das sich in der spannungsgeladenen Dualität zwischen Monumentalität und expressiver Direktheit bei gleichzeitiger Empfindsamkeit und Verletzlichkeit manifestiert.

Mit seinen Schnappschüssen des täglichen Lebens erzählt er in klarer Bild- und Formensprache unverblümt Geschichten, die den Betrachter in seinen Bann ziehen, ihn emotionalisieren und zum Reflektieren anregen. BURN-IN intensiviert in Zukunft das Angebot dieser Art der Kunst und wird eindeutig noch mehr Raum im Portfolio dafür schaffen. 

Die zahlreichen neuen Skulpturen und Installationen Černý's setzen darüber hinaus ein starkes Signal in Richtung Corporate Collections bzw. Kunst am Bau.

BURN-IN freut sich sehr, Ladislav Černý seit Juli 2019 im deutschsprachigen Raum vertreten zu dürfen. Ein weiterer Meilenstein für unsere Galerie. 


online Depot

Windows (2014)
Sculpture, 150 x 70 cm
€ 15.200
Certain 6 dividers (2008)
Paintings, 160 x 180 cm
€ 23.100
On the beach (2019)
Paintings, 156 x 243 cm
€ 30.400
Leeches (2014)
Sculpture, 203 x 76 cm
€ 28.400

BURN-IN Ausstellungen

Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
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Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Ausstellung entdecken
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen
Art Feature | virtuellen Rundgang erforschen